How To Create a Community Building Strategy?

Community Building

Community Strategy

Community has been a hot topic for years now. But are you sure you really know what community building is about?
  • Community Building - Definition
  • Why Building a Community is Vital for Your Business?
  • Building a Community: Where to Start?
  • Community Building Principles You Must Know
  • Final Takeaways
In today’s high tech and advanced world, it’s strange to think people can still feel disconnected from others. For businesses, engaging with customers and employees can have a huge impact on brand recognition and awareness. Today, community building is an essential topic for companies across the globe.
Community building improves customer service, brand awareness, and earns loyal customers for businesses. However, creating a community building strategy can be a bit puzzling. It's hard to know where to start, what to prioritize, how to determine the efficiency of your actions, and many other roadblocks.  
A strong community is vital for any business and in this cheat sheet, you will learn a few tips on how to create an effective community building strategy.

Creating a Community Building Strategy

Did you know that 80% of brands say community-building solutions have increased traffic? 
Now that you know the importance of community building, you must be wondering where and how to begin? Social Media outreach or through cold emails or free Livestream events? 
The following tips will help you develop the right community building strategy. 

1. Segment the Audience

You need to separate your audience into different segments for proper communication in you community-building model. Your audience wants personalized communication, and a bland email can make your community members feel unimportant and uncared for.
Your network should offer engagement opportunities similar to the number of buyer personas. Build different campaigns for different audiences so that they can all feel part of the bigger picture in your community. You can segment members based on age, lifestyle, location, values, hobbies, personality, etc.

2. Determine How You'll identify Your Success

Before building your community, you need to analyze what will make your community a stronger one? What are you expecting from this community building?  
Here are some of the examples of success identifiers that you might choose for your brand:
  • Increasing the number of viewers/followers
  • Number of participants in a live chat or discussion Amount of stuff that your followers have shared or liked
  • Overall participation (comments, messages, hashtags mentions and shares)
  • Heightened awareness of the brand
  • A rise in client satisfaction and retention
  • The volume of traffic going to your website
  • Increased sales and conversions
  • Number of participants in a live chat or discussion
  • Amount of content that your followers have shared or liked

3.  Start Conversations and Offer Value

Engaging in conversations with your community members is a great way to know them and update them about topics that interest them. This will show them that you care about them and value them. Posting content and building a community is different.
Your content should offer value to the community members so that they engage more and are active. Content like polls, quizzes, contests, newsletters, etc. will boost engagement and encourage members to interact. They will start leaving questions and comments after going through the content. 

4. Co-Create Content

Content is the master of all!
One of the best community-building marketing strategies is creating content that your audience desires. But it can be difficult to create custom content that looks native to each marketing channel. The good news is that involving your community can cut down on the time and resources needed to create a lot of Content. Co-creating will enable your company to get real, relatable content that will better connect with consumers. It will also be quicker and more scalable.
Influencers and creators from the community can create high-caliber, high-converting content for your brand. They are skilled content producers and dependable brand partners since they often thoroughly understand cutting-edge cameras, lighting equipment, and editing software. Locate influencers and creators that genuinely love your company and request a range of content from them, including social media posts, flat lays, product-only images, videos, and so on.

5. Affiliates- A New Way Of Marketing

The finest brand evangelists are those in your community. Making them affiliates will improve your marketing because they positively and genuinely promote your brand.
Affiliate marketing enables brands to profit from customer conversion by giving affiliates a percentage of sales. It also makes it simple to track the sales generated by their promotion through affiliate links or codes. In fact, 81 percent of brands use this performance-based marketing strategy since it's cost-effective.

6. Create Feedback Loops

It's time consuming to organize events, content, and initiatives when building brand communities. A lot of time and effort can be saved by regularly asking community members for feedback. Performing activities based on the feedback and what members want will work wonders.
Community forums, surveys, focus groups, are effective feedback tools. They will help in service and product improvement which further boosts community engagement. Through feedback, you will also gain valuable customer journeys and product use insights.
The data gathered from feedback loops can be used in your services as well as your community building strategy. 

7. Offer Incentives and Rewards

Community-building works both ways if you want active participation and engagement from members, you need to get creative. Offering rewards and incentives is a nice way to keep members happy and engaged. You can go for:
  • Free event invites
  • Community awards, badges, points, etc.
  • Exclusive content
  • Free lessons or courses
  • Gift cards or free merchandise
  • Free services or giveaways

Start Building Your Online Community Now

Community building is a new yet powerful way of increasing brand recognition. It provides loyal customers who will advocate for your brand and form a strong long-lasting relationship. The above-discussed tips will help you craft the perfect community-building strategy.
If you are looking for a community builder or community building agency, MeltingSpot is the right platform. It offers a dedicated spot for community building where you can: 
  • Segment your audience
  • Measure community success
  • Collect and work on feedback 
  • Co-create content with members 
  • Find and engage with affiliates 
Get started with community building for your brand as soon as you can, and reach new levels of success. 

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